AI and the future of work created by AI sites.
CPD Hack
HR & Development Models
An Homage to SMART Objectives
The SMART acronym maybe suggests more usefulness than it often delivers.
An homage to compliance training
Do you really ever learn anything, remember anything, from those hours of e-learning modules you do when you start a new job!
I wrote a novel
Sanj had a 10 year plan to write a novel. After 3 versions and 500,000 words written, the final version is with agencies. So, what did he learn from this passion project? Sanj shares his reflections on the journey and the process of both being creative and relentlessly productive over Continue Reading
Wellbeing in the workplace with Tracy Douthwaite
In previous roles as Head and Learning and Development over the last decade, I’ve always had a mental health / wellbeing action as part of the HR strategy. Sometimes a nod from and employee engagement survey, but increasingly a conscious recognition of challenges facing the workforce and how they were Continue Reading
Delivering leadership development to a digital audience (trainers prefer working from home too)
In this podcast with Ian Perry, founder of Emerge OD Consultants, we compare the old model of leadership development with the new Covid-fast-tracked digitised version.
35mm slides to virtual conferences
In the time before coronavirus there was a time before PowerPoint. Paul Hammond, the owner of audio & visual company, Select Brief retells how his business has always had one foot in the future and has evolved from producing 35mm slides for events to delivering virtual conferences and VR solutions. Continue Reading
Challenging Coaching with Ian Day
Ian Day describes the journey with John Blakey to developing the FACTS coaching model, which controversially gives the coach a more more active role in the coaching process.
Health & safety culture
In this episode, Tracy Hill, Director of Jigsaw Safety Training, describes how an effective health & safety culture is much more than having a policy and delivering statutory training. It takes leadership commitment, involvement of employees, monitoring and opportunities to learn from events. While most organisations have had to put Continue Reading
Purpose with James Bolle
In this episode James Bolle of PRPSFUL explains the importance of organisational purpose in driving employee engagement and ultimately financial profitability. He describes purpose as something different to corporate social responsibility (although not mutually exclusive), where individuals achieve real psychological meaning in their work and working through the organisation. James gives the Continue Reading